What are the duties of a human resources manager?

The human resources manager is a senior member of staff who ensures the proper management of the administrative, financial and legal aspects within a company. What are the duties of an HR manager? What are the skills and qualifications for such a professional? Here are the answers...

Personnel management

The human resources manager is the person in charge of the HR department in a company. He/she supervises a number of executives, including the HR assistant, team leaders and even the accountant and financial manager. To work as an HR manager, you need a 5-year degree in human resources and at least 5 years of similar experience as an administrative head or similar position. He/she is also responsible for the recruitment and integration of all the company's staff and is the one who designs and manages employment contracts. He/she also ensures that each employee complies with all the clauses and commitments set out in the contract. With the agreement of the company director, the HR manager determines the salary of employees. He/she also manages various benefits such as bonuses, health insurance, family allowances, etc.

Managing administrative formalities

The HR manager takes care of all administrative formalities within the company, including creating and managing administrative letters, processing all documents from partners, sending letters to customers to remind them of certain necessary operations, personnel files, etc. He/she is also responsible for implementing a good strategy for payroll management and insuring that the company is in good standing with the tax authorities.

Guaranteeing the well-being of employees and the good working atmosphere

The human resources manager is not only responsible for administrative formalities, accounting and finance department supervision and hiring of employees, but also for maintaining a good working environment, i.e. a good team spirit and cohesion. In addition to being a legal and administrative professional, the HR manager must have good interpersonal skills and leadership qualities. He/she is usually required to organise team building activities, sports events and similar activities to ensure that employees are fulfilled in their work. He/she must also be open to discussions in order to better support employees and associates.

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