How to hold a webinar?

A checklist must be drawn up if you want to manage your webinar perfectly. First and foremost, it is important to choose the right platform so that you can organise your online conference with ease. Here is how to do it...

Prior to the webinar: the preparations

There are several tools available on the market that offer the appropriate features for your webinar. They can be either free or paid. You can choose between various platforms:, GoToWebinar or Google Hangouts. You also need to define a common theme with given objectives to attract your target audience. Note also that you must establish a persona in order to communicate clearly with your audience. When it comes to your webinar’s theme, you should develop a topic that you know your persona will find interesting. Setting clear objectives will also help you measure your results after you have conducted your online event. Consider choosing a date or time that you think are best to attract the largest audience; avoid Mondays or holidays, for example. Also, don't forget that you will need to communicate on all your channels: social media, websites, emails...

How to make your webinar successful?

Preparing for the main day is the most important step in holding your webinar. Take into account all the elements that will be part of your presentation. Make sure that everything is operational in every respect. Also, if you want to film yourself, you can put a kakemono behind you. You can also use screen sharing. In addition, you can provide questions and answers at the end of your presentation to answer any questions your audience may have. Depending on the software used, you can also record your webinar and thus offer replays to your followers who were late for the live event.

After the webinar

Even after your webinar, you still need to consider the details that will give you the best results, because that's what really counts. To do this, use this time to follow up on the participants of your events. This can improve your overall communication strategy. Automated emails or follow-ups by phone to get feedback from them are good tools. You can discuss their needs or the issues they face that you can address. Finally, you can create a call to action for your visitors to access the replays.

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